Drum Chipper Rebuild

Last winter Wilschek Tree Service purchased an older Vermeer 12″ Drum Chipper.  A large unit that can chip branches and logs up to 12″ in diameter into small wood chips.  We spent the winter months tuning it up and preparing it for the busy season.  New blades, new lights, numerous cosmetic repairs and some engine work.  The chipper did its job phenomenally and increased production ten fold. The chips were used across the county.  Raising low spots on properties, building hiking trails, and mulching residential landscapes. Towards the end of the season, the engine started developing some blow by and needed some additional TLC. The chipper is currently in the hands of our friend, a diesel engine mechanic getting a total engine rebuild! So excited to test out our brand “new” chipper!

What’s the deal with Drum Chippers anyways

Drum chippers employ mechanisms consisting of a large steel drum powered by a motor.  The drum is mounted parallel to the hopper and spins towards the chute.  Blades mounted behind the drum cut the material into chips and propel the chips into the discharge chute.  The end result, nice warm chips that make for great landscaping mulch or as a filler for low spots. Chippers are a great piece of equipment that aids in the cleanup by reducing the space branches and log take up in trucks and trailers.

Lets Use the Chipper!

Let Wilschek Tree Service come utilize our chipper to assist with your tree care projects.

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